
I'm a full stack web developer with 3 years of experience as a finance data analyst. What I enjoy most about being a web developer, is that I get to use the latest technologies to build applications that meet customer specifications while working and collaborating with other motivated and like-minded individuals.

-Lawrence Tran


These are the programming languages that I specialize in.


These are some of the projects that I've created or contributed a major role.

  • Aware: Climate Change App

    A climate change dashboard application built using Rails, AngularJS, and D3 JS. We created our own API using Rails and PostgreSQL. The data was compiled from .csv files from NOAA and NASA. The meat of the application was built using D3. We've included several interactive graphs and charts to visualize the data in a beautiful and easy to consume format.

  • Electronic Music Lessons

    A single page application using Ruby on Rails, AngularJS, and PostgreSQL. I used Rails to create and API layer and AngularJS to consume and display the data using MaterializeCSS. Features Facebook OAuth and YouTube API. This application is for digital music enthusiasts. They can login and create new lessons and tutorials for others to use.

  • Code Battle

    A Ruby on Rails application built for programmers. Features full CRUD functionality, user authentication, and Zurb Foundation CSS. Users can create and solve interesting code challenges submitted by other users.

  • Tic Tac Toe

    A realtime Tic Tac Toe game built using AngularJS and Firebase. I used Firebase to track the score for each player and handle multiple instances of each game. Bootstrap was used to style it and AngularJS was used to create the chat feature as well as the core game logic and desgin.

  • Photocray

    A photographer discovery website. A place for photographers to display their portfolio and for people looking to hire a photographer. Able to sort by location, rate, including advanced stats like views, likes, and followers. Built using Ruby on Rails.

Get in touch

We should definitely build something together.
Hit me up!